
Birthstones feed

Birthstone Signs

Every one of us was born from a unique mother with a name, at specific time of specific day of a year and in specific Latitude and Longitude of a place on the Earth, and all of these information together determine the Ascendant. The Ascendant is one of the essential element in the formation process of our natal chart. Location of the sign of zodiac at the exact time of our birth is the basic requirement for natal chart calculation. Therefor one should know the precise moment (hour and minute) of this event. That is why the Ascendant differs from person to person thus; Birthstones also differ from one to another. Each Gemstone has a purpose or vibrational conditioning, but its effects will be different from person to person. This is why two people can have very different experience on physical sensation; when holding the exact same stone, they are experiencing the effect and not the purpose. Dornari with the collaboration of its valuable, scarce and curious experts (see our people) will provide your own personal birthstone according to your natal chart by order and after submitting related information. Please consider, At Dornari every piece of jewelry is handmade, unique, and usually very hard to repeat and they have specific purpose of making and usage. All artists are obliged to meditate for a while and try to feel the healing power of specific gemstone before start making them.

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BirthStone, Something born in a moment of time, has qualities of that moment of time
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